The best drugs for prostatitis

drugs to treat prostatitis in men

Modern medicine allows you to choose the best drugs for inflammatory prostatitis in men from the variety of means presented.

In order not to confuse them, you should study in detail reviews of each popular drug and build a ranking of the best methods for prostate healing, taking into account thesick.

The best treatments for prostatitis

Which drug stops or completely cures prostatitis? Consider a list of modern and popular means that a doctor may prescribe a patient for post-examination treatment.

Treatment for prostatitis

Broad spectrum antibiotics are in greatest demand in the field of prostatitis with tablets. They act directly at the center of the inflammatory foci and prevent pathogenic microorganisms from multiplying and developing their destructive activity in the organs of the genitourinary system.

Men for prostatitis may be combined in the same treatment program at the discretion of the doctor. The appointment is made on the basis of the history that has been collected and the laboratory tests obtained.

drugs to treat prostatitis in men

The first one is always penicillin, macrolide and tetracycline. They are known on the market under a very large number of trade names, and depending on this they are classified in one price class or another.

However, this does not mean that the most expensive drugs are the most effective. Many drugs that are required in urology will not make the patient worse. Provided, of course, that he must turn to a urologist with a non-progressive form of the disease.

Adrenergic blockers are also often prescribed when choosing a course of treatment. Such drugs for acute prostatitis in men support urination in situations where the urethra is squeezed between the inflamed tissues of the prostate gland.

Drugs that suppress prostate smooth muscle contraction may be prescribed as an adjunct to. This is necessary when there is severe pain in the groin and problems with urination.

The most common prostatitis drug is:

    Pain reliever
  • ;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • alpha / blockers

Anti-inflammatory prostate drug

Suppositories are often prescribed for the treatment of chronic and acute prostatitis (don't forget that suppositories can also be used to prevent prostatitis).

This form of drug release promotes better penetration of active substances into the tissues of the affected organ. There is also an advantage in the assimilation of the drug over the tablet form.

Rectal suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis

Antiviral drugs are usually produced in the form of suppositories. They are effective against prostatitis caused by viral infections of the body. It could be an upstream transmission of an infection.

For example, when having unprotected sex with an infected partner. Infection of the virus that has entered the body with airborne droplets is also possible, with a blood stream ending in the prostate gland.

The advantage of suppositories for prostatitis lies in its effect on targeting organs susceptible to infection.

Suppositories for prostatitis are manufactured on a different basis. They can:

  • Against the source of inflammation;
  • Stimulates the prostate gland;
  • Inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria;
  • Treatment of fungal infections;
  • Decreased prostate function during exacerbation or fluid retention;
  • Reduces feelings of pain and discomfort.

Suppositories for acute prostatitis in men can be very serious and effective drugs. In this form, antibiotics are also produced, which are the first aid means for the acute episode of the disease.

But only a doctor can prescribe such drugs. Despite the fact that some of them are dispensed from pharmacies without a prescription.

Functional foods

Medicines for the treatment of chronic prostatitis in men include their spectrum and various complexes of a biological nature. They can be targeted in a narrow range.

These are dietary supplements produced on the basis of an extract from the prostate gland of cattle. They work directly on the male prostate gland effectively, giving a stimulating and regenerating effect.

These drugs help the body fight disease by using natural resources and without any unpleasant side effects. The only drawback to taking may be an individual intolerance to any of the ingredients of the supplement.

how to treat prostatitis with drugs

Vitamin complexes and supplements intended to normalize the functioning of one's immune, endocrine and genital systems are also considered very effective aids in the treatment of inflammation. Prostate.

They strengthen the entire body, allowing the medicine to better cope with disease.

Adding vitamins to food also helps your body recover from an intensive prostate treatment treatment. Although their prices are quite high, you should not save money when treating prostatitis.

You should not self-search for the best drugs for prostatitis and take your own medication, in any case the specialist will choose the best one for you. Be healthy!